Saturday, February 2, 2013

Clarity, not fear

"Make a decision based on clarity, not fear."

These words, spoken by my mentor, made a lot of sense to me. This saying can be applied to basically every aspect of life: personal, professional, social..... It can mean something different for every individual and be applied in a variety of ways. Personally, I can apply it to the question: What am I to do once I graduate in May?
I have two options: Jump into a career right away or volunteer abroad. After the conversation with my mentor, I realized that jumping into a career right away would be a decision based on fear; Fear of not being able to find a job out of college (deeper rooted fear of not having a plan for my future and feeling like a loose kite blowing in the wind). It then became evident to me that volunteering abroad would be a decision based on clarity. It is a passion of mine to not only volunteer, but to travel. And what better time to do it than now when I have zero debt and no commitments?
So, how will you apply this statement to your life?

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