Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Think like there is no box

"Don't think outside the box. Think like there is no box."

It's easy for us to set limits for ourselves, or better said, stay in our comfort zones. But, how much can one achieve by refraining from taking risks.... taking chances? Believing in yourself and your capabilities will bring you to greater heights than you could have ever imagined. It'd be ordinary for me to graduate and establish a career right away. (If this is your journey you chose to take, then good for you! So long as you never limit yourself and always challenge yourself to the unimaginable.) Personally, I have chosen to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself to experience a culture completely different from my own. Volunteering abroad will enable me to reach my full potential and explore an unfamiliar part of my self being.

How will you challenge yourself?


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