Sunday, April 14, 2013

Words from the not-so-unwise

Return to innocence


This song has helped me through a lot of life's challenges. Not only does it evoke nostalgia, having been played when I was a child, but now that I'm older I realize the amazing message in the lyrics....
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence.

[Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion]

Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion

Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence.

If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny.

Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence.

That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence. 


Monday, April 8, 2013

Bucket list

You are never too young to compose a bucket list.

In fact, I have 3... one for college, one for life and one on Pinterest. Searching "bucket list" on Pinterest, I'm happy to say that I have already done many things that other people desire to do. This made me realize that I have accomplished a lot in life already and that I should be grateful.

What things have you accomplished that you can be grateful for? What things haven't you done yet that can be written down or pinned to your bucket list?
Now, I challenge you to fulfill some of the items on your bucket list. If it's something that requires money: start saving. If it's something that requires time: start planning. If it's something that requires motivation: change your attitude and focus your energy.
Turn ideas into actions and you are one step closer to achieving your goals!

Friday, April 5, 2013

A blessing in disguise

Sometimes what you have planned for yourself isn't what's planned for you.
Earlier this week, an interesting turn of events had me thinking that I wasn't going to be able to travel to Africa and fulfill my passion. I feared that all of my time and energy spent on preparing for this trip was put to waste. Then, I received a phone call from my mom suggesting that she come with me on a trip to Africa next summer. As excited as that made me, I was a bit hesitant that my plans to travel in 2 months would change. I considered the suggestion so long as she committed to the idea. I wasn't about to give up this once in a lifetime opportunity for words like "maybe" or "possibly". After careful consideration, she called once more and committed!

Now not only was I to volunteer in Africa but I was going to share the experience with the most important person in my life, my mom. Had what just occurred really happened? One second I thought my plans had completely went up in smoke, and the next second I got even better plans than what I had before!

This additional time to prepare for the trip will allow us to buy everything we need, educate ourselves more on the culture, learn Swahili, see pictures of our living arrangements and meet two of the people that we would be in contact with over in Africa! I would have never imagined for something as amazing as this to happen.

I share this story with you so that it can get you thinking about an unfortunate circumstance in your life and how it could turn into something more than you ever expected.

My mom and I have already had so many adventures together, and now our next one is on its way! I can't wait to see what other adventures are in store for us.

 This surely was a blessing in disguise.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Start with your attitude

Life is full of disappointments, but the question lies in how you handle them.

Yesterday, everything I had planned for myself this summer thus far came crashing down. Trying hard to stay hopeful, this unfortunate turn of events has me extremely upset. Allowing this disappointment to set in, I'm finally beginning to breathe in some fresh air. I could decide to view this as defeat and throw my hands up in the air, or I could see this as a window for other opportunities that I had not originally planned for myself. Sometimes what you have planned isn't what's planned for you.

Telling yourself, "No matter what, I will be ok", is very important in dealing with life's disappointments. Faith and trust in yourself is what will pull you out of the gutter and back on the road.

More advice from another source

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Words of encouragement

I thought that I would share with you the affirmations posted throughout my apartment in the form of fortune cookie fortunes, cut-outs from magazines and greeting cards. Maybe they can inspire you as well:

Fortunes posted on my bathroom mirror:

"In great attempts it is glorious even to fail."
"Be tactful: do not overlook your own opportunity."

Cut-outs on the fridge:

"The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself."
"First say to yourself what you would be; then do what you have to do."

Cards in my room:

"Sometimes life takes sudden turns... without using its turn signal. Hang on and hang in there!"
"Success takes... perseverance, ambition, passion, courage, heart, humor and talent. You've proven you've got what it takes to meet challenges, overcome obstacles and pursue excellence to fulfill a dream."

Other cut-outs on my bedroom door:

"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is a nobler art of leaving things undone."
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength."
"Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is a wonderful moment."
"It's only by starting in a place of peace that we find our purpose and power."
"Be the heroine of your life, not the victim."
"A good time to laugh is anytime you can."
"The best way out is always through." <<< One of my favorites.
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out just how far one can go."
"Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise."

What affirmations do you live by? (<<< Click for suggestions)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Luck under pressure

Thanks to someone's recommendation, I am currently reading: It's Not Ok With Me written by Janine Maxwell. This book is meant to open the eyes of the reader to the dire need of orphaned children in Africa; Saying "it's not okay with me either" and then acting on it. The relevance of this book to my desire to volunteer abroad in Africa this summer is remarkable.

I feel so fortunate to have come across so many resources that have helped guide me on this journey of fulfilling my passion. While talking to my aunt on the phone the other day, she said something that made a lot of sense. Upon sharing with her my effortless access to resources, she said to me: "The pressure of your time constraints is probably working with you, rather than against you."

Now, I have always been one to work well under the pressure of some sort of deadline. Though I usually do try to get a head start on things, saving some things for last minute has proven to surprise me. Being only 2 months away, preparations are constantly on my mind, it tends to come up in conversations and making arrangements is a priority needing immediate action.

Being under pressure isn't always a bad thing. What is important to remember is to recognize it as an opportunity to push you into action. It all starts with your attitude!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Your passion will find you

After putting my 'investigating of my desire to volunteer abroad' on the back burner - due to other responsibilities - strangely enough, resources began finding me. This further illustrates the belief that: Anything your heart desires will come to you (aka imagining what you want will bring it into being).

First thing that happened: My aunt gave me the contact information of someone she knows through work. The daughter of a coworker had volunteered abroad multiple times, one time of which was in Africa. I immediately jumped on this opportunity and began addressing her with questions. She has been most helpful.

Second thing that happened: Having accumulated multiple Oprah magazines over a one year span, I decided it was time that I finally tackle the reading. Upon opening one of the magazines, something fell out of a page. It was an informational brochure and congratulatory letter from a international volunteer program that I was accepted into. I had stuffed my mail in this magazine months ago, and only now was I coming across it. Ironically enough, the mail was randomly stuffed inside an article about discovering yourself in Africa. Coincidence? I think not.

Third thing that happened: After gaining inspiration and insight from this article, I decided to directly address, via Facebook, the international volunteer program I had recently applied to online. I stated that I desired to speak to a past volunteer. Within 24 hours, a past volunteer commented back introducing the idea to Facebook message her with questions. I just made a second contact! Words cannot describe how fortunate I feel to have so many connections to relate to. Along with addressing my questions and concerns, she suggested I follow a person's blog that she knew who had volunteered in Tanzania (my desired destination) and blogged about her entire experience.

Below is the website of the author of the Africa article mentioned above.
Creating Your Right Life

All of these instances made me realize that this is a burning desire within me that I just cannot ignore.

"Where our attention goes, so go our lives."

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Watching things like this inspires me to fulfill my decision (based on clarity) to live out my passion - volunteer abroad. Big goals and dreams seem more attainable when spoken of confidently. For example:
"I will volunteer abroad" is more powerful than "I want to volunteer abroad".
This is a form of an affirmation that, when repeatedly spoken out loud, will seem more realistic and attainable. Even though it is not set in stone, I speak of this expedition as if it is undoubtedly going to happen. Other affirmations could come in visual forms (e.g. I have a picture of Africa as my computer background, I watch Africa specials on the Discovery Channel, I introduce myself to the culture through videos on YouTube, etc.).
Whatever your dream or goals, affirmations help to keep them a priority in your present life to make them reality in your future.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Think like there is no box

"Don't think outside the box. Think like there is no box."

It's easy for us to set limits for ourselves, or better said, stay in our comfort zones. But, how much can one achieve by refraining from taking risks.... taking chances? Believing in yourself and your capabilities will bring you to greater heights than you could have ever imagined. It'd be ordinary for me to graduate and establish a career right away. (If this is your journey you chose to take, then good for you! So long as you never limit yourself and always challenge yourself to the unimaginable.) Personally, I have chosen to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself to experience a culture completely different from my own. Volunteering abroad will enable me to reach my full potential and explore an unfamiliar part of my self being.

How will you challenge yourself?


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Clarity, not fear

"Make a decision based on clarity, not fear."

These words, spoken by my mentor, made a lot of sense to me. This saying can be applied to basically every aspect of life: personal, professional, social..... It can mean something different for every individual and be applied in a variety of ways. Personally, I can apply it to the question: What am I to do once I graduate in May?
I have two options: Jump into a career right away or volunteer abroad. After the conversation with my mentor, I realized that jumping into a career right away would be a decision based on fear; Fear of not being able to find a job out of college (deeper rooted fear of not having a plan for my future and feeling like a loose kite blowing in the wind). It then became evident to me that volunteering abroad would be a decision based on clarity. It is a passion of mine to not only volunteer, but to travel. And what better time to do it than now when I have zero debt and no commitments?
So, how will you apply this statement to your life?