Friday, April 5, 2013

A blessing in disguise

Sometimes what you have planned for yourself isn't what's planned for you.
Earlier this week, an interesting turn of events had me thinking that I wasn't going to be able to travel to Africa and fulfill my passion. I feared that all of my time and energy spent on preparing for this trip was put to waste. Then, I received a phone call from my mom suggesting that she come with me on a trip to Africa next summer. As excited as that made me, I was a bit hesitant that my plans to travel in 2 months would change. I considered the suggestion so long as she committed to the idea. I wasn't about to give up this once in a lifetime opportunity for words like "maybe" or "possibly". After careful consideration, she called once more and committed!

Now not only was I to volunteer in Africa but I was going to share the experience with the most important person in my life, my mom. Had what just occurred really happened? One second I thought my plans had completely went up in smoke, and the next second I got even better plans than what I had before!

This additional time to prepare for the trip will allow us to buy everything we need, educate ourselves more on the culture, learn Swahili, see pictures of our living arrangements and meet two of the people that we would be in contact with over in Africa! I would have never imagined for something as amazing as this to happen.

I share this story with you so that it can get you thinking about an unfortunate circumstance in your life and how it could turn into something more than you ever expected.

My mom and I have already had so many adventures together, and now our next one is on its way! I can't wait to see what other adventures are in store for us.

 This surely was a blessing in disguise.

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