Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Start with your attitude

Life is full of disappointments, but the question lies in how you handle them.

Yesterday, everything I had planned for myself this summer thus far came crashing down. Trying hard to stay hopeful, this unfortunate turn of events has me extremely upset. Allowing this disappointment to set in, I'm finally beginning to breathe in some fresh air. I could decide to view this as defeat and throw my hands up in the air, or I could see this as a window for other opportunities that I had not originally planned for myself. Sometimes what you have planned isn't what's planned for you.

Telling yourself, "No matter what, I will be ok", is very important in dealing with life's disappointments. Faith and trust in yourself is what will pull you out of the gutter and back on the road.

More advice from another source


  1. I was just talking about something similar to this yesterday with a friend. I business deal recently fell though, but a better one presented itself a few days later.

    You can't control what others do or the world around you, all you can control is your attitude. With the right one you're unstoppable, and I do believe you have the right one.

  2. What a perfect example of a window for opportunity! Thank you for sharing. And you're exactly right with your last statement. It's important to control not only your attitude but your reaction to things as well.
