Monday, April 8, 2013

Bucket list

You are never too young to compose a bucket list.

In fact, I have 3... one for college, one for life and one on Pinterest. Searching "bucket list" on Pinterest, I'm happy to say that I have already done many things that other people desire to do. This made me realize that I have accomplished a lot in life already and that I should be grateful.

What things have you accomplished that you can be grateful for? What things haven't you done yet that can be written down or pinned to your bucket list?
Now, I challenge you to fulfill some of the items on your bucket list. If it's something that requires money: start saving. If it's something that requires time: start planning. If it's something that requires motivation: change your attitude and focus your energy.
Turn ideas into actions and you are one step closer to achieving your goals!

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